We have a number of Red Squirrels who visit the garden, each individually recognisable usually because of their tail or body colour.
A few years ago we spotted a very small baby squirrel, and couldn't decide whether it had been blown from his drey, or his parents has said "right, time for you to move on!" Whichever way it was he had managed to find our feeders and started helping himself.
Because he was so young his teeth obviously hadn't the strength to instantly open the hazelnuts on offer, so he engineered a way to get himself onto the swinging tray that had sunflower seeds and various other seeds etc. for the birds, he would then sit for 20 or minutes at a time stuffing his face - well you can't blame him, then topping up with a hazelnut when he wasn't so hungry.
He still makes an entrance, and perhaps now even has a lady friend because there are now 2 squirrels finding their way onto the tray!
We get an enormous variety of birds coming into the garden, as well as all the usual Robins, Bluetits and Blackbids we get some of the more seasonal ones too.
In the months of late October to March we get the orange/salmon breasted "Brambling" or Bramble Finch, also within that time we get "Siskins", "Goldfinches" and the "Lesser Red Poll" or as Bill Oddie (a past presenter of "Spring Watch) would call "A Little Brown Job"
The everyday visitors such as the Chaffinches, the Bluetits, the Coaltits, seem to come and go in varous numbers, looking more like a swarm of bees as they busy themselves feeding both on the feeders as well as on the floor.